Saturday, September 1, 2007

Look what we started!!

Okay all just because we all live so far apart doesn't mean we can't still see each other after all we all have digital cameras. Natalie and I have had so much fun with family history stories we thought we should have our own family blog. so here it is, it's titled Greetings from Grove Creek, please use it to keep us all up to date on family happenings: cute stories of the kids, new babies, new jobs, and all that other stuff you want to brag about. Please include pictures! Don't forget you can also create your own family blog that we can all see also.

Best wishes and good luck,


Greetings from Grove Creek said...

Hi! It's N.T. I think Dusty is fantastic!!!!
Did you all know that she did this on her birthday. What a good idea!!!!

Nothing much going on at our house although we just aquired our first whoopee cushion, (from a birthday party). I don't care how many times you try it, it is always funny. (At least the boy thinks so.)

We are all doing well and hope that everyone else is too. Don't mean to be a nag but the clock is ticking to get your memories to me. Who am I kidding, I am a nag:)

Anyway have a good day. Love, NT

Greetings from Grove Creek said...

he he he.. this is kinda fun! My new family and I just got back from a really fun camping trip up Ferron Canyon! It was our first official "Brooks Family" campout, and it was a success!

We went with Jesse's dad, brother and 2 sisters (and fams) We went fishing and caught 20 or so fish between all of us (Alexi caught 2, and Kryspin caught 4), and we rode 4-wheelers and had an all around good time.

Married life here is great - about the same as "un-married" life for us, but hey! it's official! :)

I'll try to put up some pics of our camping trip!

-Luv Jammie Brooks

Greetings from Grove Creek said...

he he he.. this is kinda fun! My new family and I just got back from a really fun camping trip up Ferron Canyon! It was our first official "Brooks Family" campout, and it was a success!

We went with Jesse's dad, brother and 2 sisters (and fams) We went fishing and caught 20 or so fish between all of us (Alexi caught 2, and Kryspin caught 4), and we rode 4-wheelers and had an all around good time.

Married life here is great - about the same as "un-married" life for us, but hey! it's official! :)

I'll try to put up some pics of our camping trip!

-Luv Jammie Brooks

Greetings from Grove Creek said...

Oops.. I'm sorry for the double post! - Jammie

Greetings from Grove Creek said...

very nice Dusty. You did a good job and I am going to have fun doing this. Niki