Monday, September 3, 2007

Mag Family Vacation

While we were enjoying our "family" outing, others were enjoying this. Jeff spotted this funny on our way back to camp. Notice the small sign above the yellow one. It says 1st Anal Lava Olympics. teehee

Hello, Y'all. We are just returning from our fun filled family vacation at Lava Hot Springs, in the great state of Idaho. We had a very good time. We floated down the river and after a few bumps and bruises, the kids decided they had had enough. Kinzie fell off the tube twice. Once scraping her elbow and the other hitting her knee. I also took a tumble only to hit and scrape the small of my back on a HUGE #$% rock. We were told later that the water was really low, thus the scraping and bumping of body parts all down the river. On Sunday we went to the Olympic size pool. It had several diving boards, and two water slides. Also, they had 3 platforms for our enjoyment. The first level was only a foot or 5 higher than the high dive. My lovely children talked me into jumping off of this. Me being all cool, proceeded to the edge, only to look down to my death. The kids in line behind me started to call me chicken, well I could not stand for that so holding on to my bikini top, so as not to frighten anyone, I proceeded to jump. It really wasn't that long of a drop, but dang it sure felt like I was falling for ever. And just so you know the highest platform was over 30 feet high. None of us went off this one. Although, Jeff did go on the middle one. He said it was fun, but he would stick with the lowest one. After about 8 hours of fun in the sun, we decided to go to these cool gardens they had. They were so awesome we decided to play chinese tourist and take us some pictures. Here are a few. Well there it is up top. I'm not sure how to use this pic and blog thing but I will figure it out. Okay let's see if I can do another one. Nope they are both up top. Anyway on with the vacation story. After our little outing we went to the "hot pools." and oh my goodness were they hot. After about 3 minutes I had about all I could handle. We removed ourselves from the heat and every body part we had in the water was now bright red. It was hot. We are recommending this fun place for a family reunion one year. You can rent houses, hotel/motel rooms or campsites. It was great fun. Hopefully my next blog pictures will be better. Maybe I will do 1st day of school pics. Oh what fun for you. Until later.


Greetings from Grove Creek said...

What a cute family. We only wish you would have invited us so we could join in the fun. Maybe next time. We really like you guys and would like to hang out with you!!!!

Greetings from Grove Creek said...

I told you people that licked things that were anal went to lava hot springs!! Ooopss. I mean Liked! bwaa haaa hhaaa ha! - by Jammie